Piggy bank in Your Dreams? What Does It Mean?
Piggy bank in a dream may portend financial worries or, on the contrary, accumulate more money than before. The dream calls us to limit our expenses and rationally manage our budget Perhaps you need to be more frugal in life and use moderation and common sense in spending your savings.
see the piggy bank - a dream foreshadows a successful venture
have a piggy bank - you will accumulate a large amount of blackheads that will help you solve a pressing problem
buy a piggy bank - an unexpected journey ahead
take someone's piggy bank - increase your wealth with tricky methods that you will regret one day
keep the piggy bank - in the fight against emotions, common sense will ultimately win
a piggy bank in the form of a pink pig - a dream portends happiness from which it belongs draw in handfuls because it can pass quickly
break the piggy bank - a dream announces an unexpected cash flow.
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